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PRINCE2 Project Management Articles, Videos and Other Useful Resources. Providing free info, hints & tips, guides and other useful resources to those that use PRINCE2 as a Project Management methodology.

Brazil teaches us how not to approach project management
Posted on Tuesday, 13th October 2015 17:28
Submitted by Kerry Sheahan
As the Premier League title race draws to a close this weekend all eyes will be on the World Cup, and more to the point whether everything will be ready in time. Later this week, Brazil’s President, Dilma Roussell is set to declare Sao Paola’s new stadium officially open. With the acknowledgement that things tend to run a little late in South America by habit, perhaps things will be judged to have been a great success? However, to say that this would be disguising a multitude of sins would be something of an understatement. Chaotic at best, disastrous at worst, the 2014 preparations have seen anti-world cup protests, damaged relations with FIFA, not to mention an awful lot of building work left to be done. We’ve taken a look at the success of this particular project, comparing it against key questions raised as part of the PRINCE2 methodology.
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7 Joint Venture Pitfalls to Avoid
Posted on Tuesday, 13th October 2015 17:21
Submitted by Kerry Sheahan
It is inconceivable for a project to succeed without collaboration between all parties responsible for its delivery. This has always been the case but today, more than ever, the size and scale of many of the projects being undertaken around the world are just too big and, more often than not, too costly for a single organisation to fund and manage.
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10 Ways to Use Social Media to Improve Project Management
Posted on Monday, 25th May 2015 12:49
Submitted by ILX Marketing Team
Don’t know your yams from your tweets? Clueless about Ning and Ping? Fear not, for we aim to demystify social media and social enterprise so you can find tools that suit projects and pockets.
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Going the Extra Mile in Customer Service
Posted on Thursday, 11th December 2014 15:07
Submitted by ILX Marketing Team
We’re often told of the value of ‘going the extra mile’ in the course of our interaction with customers. But what does the phrase actually mean? It’s surely about going above and beyond the call of duty.
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Updates Installing, Please Wait: How to streamline e-learning updates
Posted on Thursday, 4th December 2014 11:51
Submitted by ILX Marketing Team
As we have discussed in previous blogs, e-learning as a format is extremely easy to update and re-think should you find newer, more relevant material for your employees. If you’ve already got a course in place, you are given a perfect platform to expand, streamline or revamp wherever you see fit.
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3 Simple Innovations That Have Revolutionised Customer Service Practices
Posted on Wednesday, 3rd December 2014 12:27
Submitted by ILX Marketing Team
In order to stay ahead in customer service, innovation and adaptability must be at the forefront of any coherent business plan. The companies with the most successful, effective customer service teams are those that are constantly seeking perfection through new technologies, consumer behaviour and the practices of their competitors.
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