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PRINCE2 Projektmanagement Artikel, Videos und andere nützliche Ressourcen. Kostenlose Infos, Hinweise & Tipps, Anleitungen und andere nützliche Ressourcen für alle, die PRINCE2 als Projektmanagement-Methode einsetzen.

Effective Project Management Apps
Posted on Friday, 10th January 2014 18:01
Submitted by ILX Marketing Team
Effective project management isn’t about sitting behind a desk; it’s about careful planning, negotiating, analysing and, if needs be, getting your hands dirty; getting involved. Management isn’t above getting the work done correctly when the time calls for it.
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How Can Change Management Programme Failure Be Prevented?
Posted on Saturday, 28th December 2013 17:07
Submitted by ILX Marketing Team
In today’s business world, organisations have to deal with rapid changes. Advancing and developing technology, globalisation, and challenging economic environments mean that organisations continually have to adapt to ensure that their business survives.
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Why Do Projects Fail?
Posted on Friday, 20th December 2013 10:22
Submitted by ILX Marketing Team
In today’s high level of competition and tough economic circumstances, a business needs to be performing to its very best ability in order to survive. This means offering customers or clients precisely what they’re looking for at any given time, and with this comes the need to adapt.
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How Poor Project Management Could Alter The Course Of History
Posted on Friday, 13th December 2013 17:38
Submitted by ILX Marketing Team
Whether you agree with it or not Obama’s affordable healthcare for America act, also known as part of the Obamacare reform, is a big deal. And as such, you would expect such a revolutionary idea to be part of a meticulously planned roll out scheme.
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Where do the Best Project Managers Come From?
Posted on Monday, 2nd December 2013 09:27
Submitted by ILX Marketing Team
Choosing the people who are going to act as managers for new and ongoing projects is incredibly important, and there is definitely some confusion when it comes to where the best people for the job generally reside.
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Your Guide To PMP® In A New York Minute
Posted on Thursday, 26th September 2013 15:21
Submitted by ILX Marketing Team
Following on from last week’s blog “PRINCE2, ITIL or PMP®: Which Certification is Right for You?”, we thought we would expand further on the PRINCE2 complementary certification, PMP®, as we are so often asked for more information about this credential and how it can help individuals and organisations.
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