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Apps-olutely Fabulous Apps Series 3

Not that many years ago apps were coming out at the rate of one a day. How times change. In 2011 the number reached 701; today, who knows how many are launched daily as utility-based apps get a stronger hold in the business world (let us know if you do!). Naturally, project management has been in the sights of app inventors and we have selected a few from the very many that could be useful in making the project manager's job easier*. Enjoy!

  • Project Viewer: Aims to do what it says on the tin: open MS Project attachments, open Project files from Dropbox, get the Gantt Chart view, Table and Detailed Task view.
  • ActionComplete: Inspired by Getting Things Done methodology, this hopes to help you manage four types of task: actions (next actions), waits (waiting for), projects, ideas (someday/maybe) and, as you would expect, boasts useful features that include task weighting and reminders.
  • Catch Notes: Capturing ideas by jotting down on notes, memos by recording them wherever you are on all your devices and capturing photos are the goals of this useful little app.
  • DocScanner: Now with a Hollywood connection, having been used to produce photo-based scans, the object of this app is to enable project managers to scan documents, receipts, whiteboards, business cards… you get the picture.
  • Droid Scan: Portable scanning on the move that aims to turn your images into PDF documents.
  • HERE Maps: A handy little app whose purpose is to make our global environment local so allowing you to dazzle your colleagues and your customers with your knowledge and prevent you from getting or feeling lost anywhere.Roambi Analytics - Visualizer: A picture is worth a thousand words, and graphs and charts are worth no less when you see what this app could do with bare data.
  • Todoist: To allow you to make to-do lists, add and manage tasks, sort them into projects simply, easily and quickly, is the objective of this app.
  • TouchDown: Email, contacts, calendar, task list, all are meant to be accessible from wherever you are.
  • Upvise: Billed as the mobile cloud for smart businesses, it aims to keep you wise to contacts, tasks, sales, projects and makes sharing ideas as well as files, simple.

Useful Links

  • No app can ever replace a comprehensive knowledge of project management, of course. For more information on one of the most respected methodologies in the business go to PRINCE2 Training page.

    * ILX Group does not endorse any of the above products.