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PRINCE2 Implementation Help & Support

One of the essential parts of implementing PRINCE2 effectively is tailoring it to each organisation’s specific business needs and that relies on a range of special skills and disciplines.

Most organisations require help and support to achieve a quick and successful PRINCE2 implementation.

With more than 20 years experience in helping both public and private sector organisations, the PRINCE2 consultants from ILX can provide the support services you need to ensure you have an effective implementation strategy that fits best with your business and organisational needs.

The key elements you need to consider are:

  • Implementation Planning
  • Business Case
  • Establishing a Project Support Office
  • Developing Capability
  • Securing Buy-In
  • Tools and Techniques

To find how ILX consultants can support your PRINCE2 implementation contactus@ilxgroup.com

Implementation Planning

Planning is all about how you are going to make it happen. It may be obvious, but implementing PRINCE2 should always be run as a project, backed up by an appropriate project plan. A good plan will support your organisation’s implementation of PRINCE2 and flex around changing requirements. We believe that planning is an interactive, multi-dimensional process. An ILX planning workshop will provide you with the core information for your Project Initiation Document.

More information:

Business Case

The Business case for implementing PRINCE2 is a core component in any successful transformation

Making the business case for an organisation-wide implementation of PRINCE2 is an essential tool for gaining buy-in at all levels. Once developed, it will be the heart of your project for implementing PRINCE2.

The benefits and risks will be different in each organisation – but many organisations will share characteristics that a new approach to project management should address.

ILX can help run a Business Case workshop or review business cases you develop, and we can provide specialist input into Risk assessment.

More information:

Establishing a Project Support Office

How much support can your project managers count on? How much support do they need? Who will own your tailored version of PRINCE2? How does a proactive Project Office improve performance? What would a Project Support Office or Centre of Excellence look like in your organisation?

ILX consultants will help to develop the blueprint for a Centre of Excellence for your organisation. A project support capability is a key process area in achieving level 3 of the Portfolio, Programme & Project Management Maturity Model (P3M3). As one of the first consulting organisations to support a P3M3 accreditation (Pension Protection Fund 2006), ILX consultants can demonstrate a successful track record in helping organisations to develop a project support capability, whether combining a virtual team or working with an existing capability to develop a project support process.

More information:

Developing Capability

Developing resources to manage your organisation’s projects should not stop at training. Development plans with coaching and mentoring for project managers aligned to the maturity of both the individual and your organisation are a critical step in improving organisational performance.

ILX consultants can help design a development plan for project managers that combines the needs of the organisation with the development opportunities of the individual. From identifying and defining core competencies through to designing and implementing development centres, we can support your organisation to develop the capabilities that it needs.

Securing Buy-In

Getting senior managers to see the benefit of a PRINCE2 approach is an essential step on the road to successful implementation.

But no matter how compelling the case for making the transition to PRINCE2, there are times when an internal voice does not reach the right audience. If stakeholder analysis tells you that a specific group is missing the message, then ILX can help. ILX consultants have wide experience across industry sectors and we can help you to refine key messages and deliver them with credibility. ILX experience is particularly strong in the following areas:
Public Sector

  • UK Central Government (Home Office)
  • Non-Departmental Organisations (PPF)
  • Local Government (CCityC, Leeds, Gateshead Council)
  • Police (Cheshire)
  • Fire and Emergency

Private Sector

  • Telecoms
  • International Law
  • Publishing

Tools and Techniques

The process of implementing PRINCE2 across your organisation will necessitate a number of tools and techniques designed to address the question: Where are we up to and what needs to happen next?

These can be simple or complex, depending on the resources at your disposal and the requirements of your organisation. They can include a transition tracker that could be a whiteboard list; a simple Excel worksheet; or a new feature in your Enterprise Management Systems.

ILX will help you to kick-start you PRINCE2 implementation with assistance and support ranging from simple project templates and scoring methods for evaluating project briefs to tracking software that helps you manage the transition to new ways of working.

As a start, click here to find out more about the tools developed by ILX. They provide the ideal starting point or inspiration for products that are designed around your organisation’s needs.