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PRINCE2 Projektmanagement Artikel, Videos und andere nĂ¼tzliche Ressourcen. Kostenlose Infos, Hinweise & Tipps, Anleitungen und andere nĂ¼tzliche Ressourcen fĂ¼r alle, die PRINCE2 als Projektmanagement-Methode einsetzen.

Books to Help Your Business Boom
Posted on Tuesday, 26th February 2013 18:46
Submitted by ILX Marketing Team
"It is what you read when you don't have to that determines what you will be when you can't help it." Oscar Wilde
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Apps-olutely Fabulous Apps Series 3
Posted on Monday, 25th February 2013 13:37
Submitted by ILX Marketing Team
Not that many years ago apps were coming out at the rate of one a day. How times change. In 2011 the number reached 701; today, who knows how many are launched daily as utility-based apps get a stronger hold in the business world (let us know if you do!).
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Fight the festive flab with PRINCE2
Posted on Friday, 11th January 2013 17:01
Submitted by ILX Marketing Team
OK, we’ve overindulged during the festive season, so whilst we feel rested, we feel flabby. Time to lose those holiday pounds! We may not have a magic formula for losing the weight, but we have come up with a light-hearted look at how PRINCE2 could be part of an overall plan to help you.
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Taking the Fear out of Mobile Learning
Posted on Friday, 4th January 2013 11:53
Submitted by ILX Marketing Team
The ILX Digital Learning for Business Report predicts the imminent demise of PC and projector learning and the rise of mobile and personal consumer device learning. Time, we thought, to catalogue the advantages and disadvantages of mobile learning and to answer some of the concerns that exist around it in order to enable you and your organisation to make an informed choice of learning approach and device.
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Digital Learning: Blended Learning – Part 5
Posted on Wednesday, 2nd January 2013 13:44
Submitted by ILX Marketing Team
This is the fifth in our series on Digital Learning: Learning Without Limits where we examine the evolving nature of learning and its effect on individuals and organisations and the workplace.
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Goodbye 2012 and Hello 2013!
Posted on Wednesday, 26th December 2012 11:15
Submitted by ILX Marketing Team
It has been another fantastic year of awards, partnerships and developments for everyone at ILX Group. We thought we would relive our 12 greatest moments with you and thank you all for your support.
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