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PRINCE2® 7 Practitioner (Engels) Klassikaal

PRINCE2® 7 launched in English in September 2023, and is the latest update to the globally-recognised project management framework. In our Practitioner classroom course you will be taught how to apply the theory you learnt with the Foundation certification to real-world examples.


Over de cursus

Our three-day PRINCE2 Practitioner classroom course helps prepare you for the PRINCE2 Practitioner examination.The PRINCE2 Practitioner examination evaluates your ability to apply and adapt it. Successful Practitioner candidates can begin using PRINCE2 on real projects, but proficiency varies with experience, project complexity, and workplace support. 

This course follows the PRINCE2 7 syllabus and will prepare you for the PRINCE2 7 Practitioner exam, which will be taken online via remote proctor at a time of your choosing.


This PRINCE2 Practitioner course is run over three consecutive days.

By the end of the Practitioner course you will:

  • Understand how to apply the PRINCE2 principles in context
  • Understand how to apply effective people management in successful projects
  • Understand how to apply and tailor relevant aspects of PRINCE2 practices in context
  • Understand how to apply (and tailor) relevant aspects of PRINCE2 processes in context

This course includes:

  • Officially accredited training materials (digital copy)
  • The PRINCE2 Practitioner exam (valid for 12 months from date of purchase)

The official PRINCE2 manual is not included with this course, but you will need a copy to sit your exam.

Exams are taken online via remote proctor. You will need to register on the Peoplecert portal, and once registered, you will be able to book your online exam at a date and time of your choice. You are responsible for booking your own exam. For more information about how to take your exam and the technical requirements, please click here

Recertification: This certification has to be renewed within three years of certification to remain current. There are multiple ways to recertify, more information regarding the options can be found here.


The format of the PRINCE2 7 Practitioner exam is:

  • 150 minutes
  • 70 questions, each worth 1 mark
  • 42 questions correct to pass the exam
  • Open book (The PRINCE2 7 official book, should be used but no other material is allowed)

This course would benefit:

  • Project Managers and aspiring Project Managers
  • Other key staff involved in the design, development and delivery of projects, including:
    • Project board members (e.g. senior responsible owners)
    • Team managers (e.g. product delivery managers)
    • Project assurance (e.g. business change analysts)
    • Project support (e.g. project and programme office personnel)
    • Operational line managers/staff

PRINCE2® 6th Edition (Foundation or Practitioner)*

PRINCE2® 7 Foundation

  • Project Management Qualification (PMQ)
  • Project Professional Qualification (PPQ)
  • Project Management Professional (PMP)®
  • Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)
  • IPMA Level A® (Certified Projects Director)
  • IPMA Level B® (Certified Senior Project Manager)
  • IPMA Level C® (Certified Project Manager)
  • IPMA Level D® (Certified Project Management Associate)

*Please note due to the extent of the changes between versions, PRINCE2® 5th Edition and all other previous versions will not be accepted as prerequisites for PRINCE2® 7 Practitioner.

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PRINCE2-salarissen liggen 57% boven het nationale gemiddelde
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Het aantal PRINCE2-vacatures ligt 80,9% hoger dan vorig jaar
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PRINCE2-salarissen zijn jaar-op-jaar met 8,7% gestegen
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